Do you dare to dream? Do you have a story to tell and inspire the world? Contact us today at kartikravinirmal@gmail.com and we will feature you in all our handles.

We bring to you real life DareDreamers, heroes who went beyond their calling, chased their dreams, and turned them into reality.


Presenting the first in a series of DareDreamers to come, Al Ameen Sherfuddeen.

Al Ameen, a marketing professional for the last 13 years quit his job and now runs a cafe and weekend food experiences. Wonder what made him switch? Read on…

2019, New years eve.

People are partying everywhere celebrating in anticipation of new beginnings.

I was typing down my resignation note. I was done with the drama of the corporate routine with the illusion of a fat paycheck.

Knock Knock, Motteboss was born!

In my corporate stint of 13 years under 14 bosses across marketing, account management, analytics, digital attribution, product development, corpcomm, intcomm, I still relish my travel to 43+ countries, each country unlocking a new experience in my head through the foods unique to each place. My physical self today is a product of all these amazing cookups!

The little voice inside my head has always been nudging – There is more to being yourself, there is something more real to wake up to!

My mom has fed me with the most delicious dishes until I had to leave to Bangalore for my first job in 2005. So the appreciation for great food has always been there. I just didn’t know it yet.My love for pairing eggs with everything I ate led to the glitch in the head that food is the only real deal and everything else is human drama layering over.

So this new years eve, My parents, colleagues, friends were all shocked to see me drop a half crore worth dream job. But for me, It was freedom from everything I considered a structure, every unexecuted thought, every moment of missed decisions and suddenly everything feels light in the head.

Today the following brands get to see light thanks to the crazy switch.

Motteboss – The rowdiest eggs in town
Too Much Chutney – 16 rolling chutneys for the South Indian Fare
Twist & Shake – For nostalgic shakes and twisted bhajjias
DipMonk – For all the lovely party dips

Its early days but the amount of action everyday is unmatched to everyday routines, chit chatter, and despair for expected outcomes. This year is going to explode in ways I am yet to discover.

No one or nothing will push you to make the switch. Especially when you have no sense of safety, security, or where you will get your next meal from.

But, You will exactly know when the moment is to take the leap in faith.

Until then, dare to dream!

Drop by for a chat or savour the food experiences I have in store for you at

Rd, 691, Govindappa Ln, HAL 3rd Stage, Kodihalli, Bengaluru,
Karnataka 560008
Phone: +91 9995004651

DAREDREAMER Nithi’s  Dreams Came Alive in a Million Colours

If you have passion for something, give it all. This is the motto I live by. Yes, I’m in a well-paying, 9-6 job for the last decade, but somehow it doesn’t define me. My many roles – a daughter, a wife, a mother, a sister, a colleague, don’t define me either. I wanted something that said ‘this is me.” I found that in art.

Art is more than just a hobby; it is my passion. The reason I wake up every morning with a smile. I always enjoyed expressing my thoughts and emotions through my art. A few years ago, I decided to take it up in professionally. I started with small workshops and experimented with watercolors, acrylics, oil paints and charcoal. Paintings apart, I also created beautiful pieces by reusing old household items like bottles, frames, wooden board and boxes. I kept enhancing my skills. Earlier my life was a blank canvas, now I paint it with every colour possible.

To me, perfection and beauty is paramount. When I am with my paint and palette, I am transported into a different world of joy, colors and imagination. I wish to manifest that world into other people’s lives. Bring some earthen colours in a world obsessed with green bucks. So far, my paintings have been showcased at many exhibitions and have been well appreciated. The appreciation my work receives is something I cherish. It redeems the faith I had in my dream to be an artist.

None of what I have achieved would have been possible without my family. It is their backing that allows me to explore, experiment and evolve as an artist. Today, if you ask me – ‘Who is Nithi?’ – my answer is simple: Nithi is a full-time artist and a part-time business analyst.

Check out my art portfolio, or catch me on instagram at @nithinishipadma.